Excited to announce
The Baltimore Filmmakers Collective Pitch Competition Will take place May 1st 7:PM at The Motor House. The competition will start promptly at 7:PM. Format will be:
Judging will be performed by three industry professionals. Each judge will grade the presentation based on the following criteria: Concept: Was the concept stated clearly? Originality: Was the idea original? Character: Were the characters clearly stated? Presentation: How was the overall presentation? Once the scores are recorded- the judges have the option to give feedback to the contestant. Some judges do, some defer. Their call. But any conversation between judges and contestant cannot influence the scores.
Once all the contestants have presented. We tally the scores and award first, second and third place winners. First place $1000
Second place $500 Third place $350 To apply click the link below: https://airtable.com/appVpm0JsqFJw.../pag40El9UgHXa2jUn/form Any questions, Call Eric Cotten @ (443) 562-3757 |